Friday, April 8, 2011

Where is the Good in This?

"Ryan has cancer".  Monday evening, I received a text from my husband.  Our friend, who had just spent an evening with his wife over to our house for a game of Apples to Apples only 2 weeks before.  His wife, who I  had discussed jogging together on Monday evenings.  It doesn't make sense.  I had to scribble this out in my Eucharisteo journal:

Where is the good in this, Lord?  The hard eucharisteo is here.  I don't understand how you get more glory in this than in living the full {long} life.  But I want to trust.  Give me and us eyes to see only with faith.  We promised to walk this life together, to "do life together" with this group of friends we have, and we don't know where it's leading.  We don't even know how to set down our feet, layed bare and raw, to start this journey.  This doing life together we promised to do, is not what I expected.  I don't even know how to pray when it doesn't make sense.  How do I be a friend?  I wanted to share Eucharisteo with her.  Should I still?

"Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand."
Isaiah 14:24

A good God plans everything.  A good God can only make plans for good.

Here's a little bit of God-glory that I have experienced through this already.

I have reaped so many benefits from A Holy Experience, that I wanted to read the book written by Ann, One Thousand Gifts.  This book was so good for my soul, that when I ordered a few books from Amazon a few weeks ago, this book found it's way into my shopping cart.  I don't know why.  I didn't know who to give it to.  It was just too good not to share.  The mail man dropped off the box of books, and I celebrated the 4 books in the box, all just for me.  One to study with a friend (Made to Crave), another book that I couldn't bare to part with after returning it to the library, so I bought my own copy (Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus), and then this book that I didn't know what to do with.

I had this book for a few days, not knowing.  Then news of Ryan came on the phone, and we waited and prayed.  Kendra's name popped into my mind out of nowhere that I should give her the book.  I wrestled with the idea--in the midst of difficulties, a book isn't always most welcome.  I decided to present her with the idea and let her decide.  Sunday morning nursery found us together, and I shared the idea of this book with her.  She got this funny look in her eye, and said, "Is it eucharisteo?"  Lee, our sweet friend, had been telling her about this the night before.

Tuesday evening, I was heading north from Muskegon, and I picked up a little dinner for these friends.  I called to ask if I could drop by with the food and book.  They were already in Muskegon, visiting another dear friend of ours who just had a baby (who was also on my list of visits).  I met them at the hospital, exchanged greetings, gifts and book, and hugs to all.

Wednesday, I was sharing a little of this with Lee, and unbelievably enough, had planned on buying this book this very day for Kendra and FORGOT!

Praise Jesus for His presence in and through all of this.  For from Him and to Him and through Him be the glory forever!


1 comment:

Craig said...

I’m here from Ann’s Walk With him Wednesday, it take some time to get to read the links from there – I spend the week reading thank you’s – don’t start reading these till the weekend. Glad I got here!!

So broken this world. I’ve been thinking on this a lot recently. We talk of it’s beauty – and the beauty of all creation – but it’s broken just like we are. One sin – ONE SIN – opened the door and imperfection has been multiplying ever since. Cancer – just one more of the blemishes – because the world is broken.

Thank you for this. God bless and keep you and all of yours.

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I love Jesus with all my heart and a truth & Grace seeker. I married the love of my life in 2000 and I've been blessed with 5 lovies that I homeschool. Join me as I blog about my interests.


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