I've been hiding a secret these past 12 weeks! We broke the news last Friday to our family and friends. I created a cute set of t shirts with iron on transfers and my digital scrapbooking supplies to announce the news. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the girls wearing them! I'll do that soon. We didn't tell them about the baby until we were telling Tim's dad the news. Hannah, previous to this, had informed us quite clearly that her wishes were for our family to only have 2 children. Her and Makenna was enough. But, she took the news rather well, and has been telling most people before I get a chance to say anything. Makenna looked a little disinterested for a while, but she must've been listening, because she'll randomly say to me in her cute voice, "Mama, baby in yer beddy?" (Belly) The latest debate is Hannah rooting for a girl, and all others hoping for a boy. She gets quite adament about it, especially with her dad and her papa. Here's a few names she's chosen: Rebekah, Lexie, Selah, and Star. We have a horse named Star, and a cousin named Selah, so those 2 are definately out. Don't tell Hannah, but the other names haven't made it on our list either :)
I've gotten way behind on my picture taking. I felt kinda cruddy the past 2 months--tired!! Tired of snow. Tired of wet. Tired of gray and brown. Tired of winter. Tired of my house. Wanting to take a daily nap. Tired of feeling slightly upset to my stomach at any time of the day. Tired of pottytraining Makenna. Tired of Hannah's dirty panties and socks all over the house. You get the idea. The last thing I felt like doing was taking a picture of all this dreariness. So I'm posting this layout, which includes my positive pregnancy test, which is part of the reason I haven't posted it yet.
I went to my first OB/GYN appointment yesterday, at 12 weeks. I don't know why it took 4 weeks to get in, but it's not like anything would've gone differently. I saw the nurse practitioner, whom I've never met before. Did the usual disliked pelvic exam and such and get ready to listen to the all-important heart beat on the doppler thing. She slathered that gooey gel all over, and searched and searched. And searched and searched! She wouldn't give up. I was going back and forth between panicing and being calm. I know that the baby has been growing and certain that I had a live fetus in there, and knowing that 12 weeks is still slightly early to detect a heartbeat. Yet, after going through a miscarriage 5 years ago, that fear never goes away. The NP was totally calm about the whole deal, assuming the baby was moving around too much to catch the heart beat. She sent me down the hall to the ultrasound tech, who happened to have an empty room, and popped the ultrasound wand on my belly. Sure enough, that little bugger was moving every which way! Feet kicking, hands flailing, and all of a sudden, FLIP! rolled right over! It was truly one of the most beautiful things to behold! I don't know how a woman could see something amazing like this and go through with an abortion. At t12 weeks, I can feel nothing, my body has changed slightly, and yet, this precious creation is a human being created in the image of the great GOD of the Universe, who loves me and gave himself for me!
1 comment:
We are so excited for you. Praying your pregnancy goes smoothly.
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