Sunday, July 22, 2007

It's been a long week!

I can't believe it's been a week since I've posted! I went to visit my sister for three days, and then I was working like crazy to get all my items finished for the craft sale I was having. Plus, my toddler has been sick; today's the worst! She, my husband, and I have gotten little sleep for the past 3 days, plus I was tired from being at my sister's! She was too sick to go to church, so the girls and I stayed home.

Well, I have a lot of pictures to post. I'll start with my craft sale pictures. I made lots of clipboards, cards, and magnetic clippies. How did I do, you ask? I sold a whoppin' 1 magnetic clippie, and 8 cards!! Yippee! I worked days and days, and made $13!! Either it interested nobody, or I had it priced too high. Maybe both. Well, at least I have a lot of gifts already made! I also had pop and water for sale, and sold some of that, too. I don't think I'll try that again. It's really not worth the time or effort.

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All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is ©Jennifer Beggs. My original artwork is shared for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for contest submission or publication.

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I love Jesus with all my heart and a truth & Grace seeker. I married the love of my life in 2000 and I've been blessed with 5 lovies that I homeschool. Join me as I blog about my interests.


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