Sunday, June 19, 2011

When Emotions Get the Best of Us


Texture:  Kim Klassen's Subtly Yours (Darken blending mode) & Portrait 2x with layer mask ( Darken and  Soft Light)
Does it get any better than this?  This is the angry cry of a barefoot boy told not to continue into the deep grass.  He's angry.  Doesn't like to be told what to do.  His sisters still make this face.  I might still make this face.  We don't like to be told what to do.  Life-long lesson of submitting to the Great Authority.  At least 2, nope, make that 3, of our children are expressing emotions that needs to be mastered under self control.  It seems like when I'm just getting comfortable and relaxed in this parenting thing, something new comes along that we need to figure out how to discipline.

Natural Frame

 We love to go biking down the rail trail, and I just love the trees arching over the trail.  I obviously took this one last fall...the one's I've taken recently just don't compare!

 Makenna and Hannah have riding lessons every other week.  Hannah's lesson is usually 55 minutes long, and Makenna gets to hop on at the end for a few trips around the arena.  This time, though, she got to have a mini lesson, just like Hannah.  She was so pleased to be telling the horse what to do with the reins and holding the riding crop.  "I had to whip him to tell him to go!"  Of course, it was just a little tap to make the horse pay attention to her.

 Who sends letters these days, anyway?  I didn't know what to do for this one until my daughter drew a picture for her grandma and sent it with her daddy to work.  Right away, Grandma wrote one back and sent it home with her daddy in that same evening!  How precious is this note!

From a Flowers Point of View
 These 2 are for the same prompt.  I took a few of these this week, and just wasn't happy with the trees and weeds and mess.  Right now, this yarrow is one of 2 flowers I have blooming and it's just not really exciting.  So, I decided to include the flowers in the photo to get a better perspective.  In the first one, the background is in focus, and in the 2nd one, the flowers are more focused.  This is our row of raspberry plants that you see, just planted last year.


Marla said...

Fabulous shots. I love the natural frame. Very cool. :)

Marla @

Gunsside said...

Love your flower point of wiev ;)
A great post ;))

Ashley Sisk said...

Such a great set - I love your natural frame. Beautiful.

Cedar said...

Love the flowers in your last photo--such terrific colors! How wonderful to have a grandma that is so encouraging and responsive--love your letters!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Hurray for riding lessons. I always loved mine.

Unknown said...

Such great shots! I love all of them!!

Unknown said...

That first shot just makes me smile.. So honest.. And I just love that framed shot. It's beautiful..

leanne can blog said...

Nice collection of photos. Love the first one, such a great toddler face. The frame is also a good one.

Valeria said...

You have some good shots here. I love natural frame and flower point of view

Look but Don't Take

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is ©Jennifer Beggs. My original artwork is shared for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for contest submission or publication.

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I love Jesus with all my heart and a truth & Grace seeker. I married the love of my life in 2000 and I've been blessed with 5 lovies that I homeschool. Join me as I blog about my interests.


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