After reading some things on this practice of Eucharisteo from the book 1000 Gifts, I was encouraged by a few things that I wanted to share.
The word Grace means Favor, from the Latin word, Gratia.
In these words, I see...por favor (please); Gracias (thank you); Gratitude
Does that mean when I say please? I'm asking for Grace?
When I say thank you, I'm responding with Grace? Is it all Grace?
It's all Grace.
In all the times Jesus uses eucharisteo, it is followed up with a spectacular miracle.
Before he called Lazarus to be raised from the grave, He gave thanks.
"Eucharisteo preceded the miracle."
Then one of my favorites, when Jesus fed the multitudes of over 5000 people:
“Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted.” John 6:11
He took the not enough and made enough. More than enough. Thanksgiving takes time.
Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle.
I want to say thanks at the end, not the beginning. But Jesus leads us by example, and shows us that we need to be giving thanks for what He's about to do, not just what He's already done. I need to offer Him my "not enough" and trust Him to make it "more than enough"
The things I recognize as Gifts from the Great Giver:
172. VanderZwaags getting interviewed on national TV for their adoption story of Luisa
173. Birds singing love songs (read something about how males evolved to sing and breathe simultaneously and I call that an Outrageous Lie from the Pit of Hell)
174. Celebrating Adoption of Luisa with the church family
175. {Me}Chasing a partridge to the swamp edge for a picture (yes, I know this is a picture of a duck, but it turned out better than the partridge)
{but since you asked, here's the picture I chased for. It's one of those search and find pictures. Can you find the bird?}
176. Finding and cutting Pussy Willows to bring home to grace our table
177. First hike of the year on the sand dunes
178. Licking beaters for chocolate cake
179. Babysitter getting dropped off here so I don't have to go get her
180. Hearing Kendra and Ryan praise God last night. Their purpose and vision and love for the LORD shines bright.
181. Fresh eggs
182. A new song, "This is how emptiness sings" listen on side bar
183. Hearing spring peeps
184. First truck ride of the year through the Pentwater Plains
185. Family hike and search for Geo-cache
186. Artists who write amazing worship songs so I can express my love for Jesus
187. Watching my hurting friends sing about how God is healer and God is mighty to save
188. Girls enjoying cousins
1 comment:
Visiting from Multitudes on Mondays link-up. Thanks for the reminder, that Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle. What a trick, isn't it, to learn to be thankful before the blessing? Being thankful just to be. I am so glad I, too, found the way of counting, ever counting, the multitudes.
Thanks for sharing beautiful words. Have a blessed day, friend.
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