Sunday, May 22, 2016

Photography is a big passion of mine, one that when given time and opportunity, I explore with my family as my muse.  Oceana County is the most gorgeous place to live during the spring, when the multitudes of orchards are in full bloom.  With permission from our friends, my family spent a bit of Mother's Day at the Peach Orchard. Out of all the choices of cherry, apple, pear and peach, I say peach blossoms are the most enchanting, with beautiful shades of pink that no other can beat.

I handed my camera over to my daughters and they each snapped up a few of me that turned out quite darling!  Both of my girls enjoy the creativity of a camera, and are learning some skills of their own.

This girl is such a help to her mama, caring for her younger brothers.  She is very intuitive, and I even started paying her for babysitting services when I want to go jogging and Tim needs to work outside.

This boy. There are no words to express his infectious grin, his mischievousness, his daring naughtiness.  He makes sure we don't get too lazy sitting on the couch for very long!
Some of my children's fondest memories are going to Nana & Papa's house to ride horses.  My dad bought a new horse for his birthday. He's quite a showy Haflinger gelding that will be full of enjoyment!

1 comment:

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Look but Don't Take

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is ©Jennifer Beggs. My original artwork is shared for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for contest submission or publication.

My Family

My Family
God Bless America

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I love Jesus with all my heart and a truth & Grace seeker. I married the love of my life in 2000 and I've been blessed with 5 lovies that I homeschool. Join me as I blog about my interests.


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