What is this life all about really? How does one claim the abundant life that Jesus promises? Am I living this abundant life, or is it mud pie compared to what Christ wants to give me if I open my eyes?
I've done a lot of reading on this in the past few years. Heard a lot of sermons. I think it boils down to Kingdom Living. For today. Now. The greatest life possible comes when I live under His reign through the power of His Grace
Here, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
This ancient passage of Scripture recited daily for centuries by God's Chosen People boils it all down. A daily commitment to God as leader of one's life. To daily proclaim the faith and pledging to live under God's control.
The kingdom of God is within you--Luke 17:21
Worshiping God the Father in light of the authority Christ was given to rule over the kingdom.
Enthroning Christ in the here and now, showing our love by doing what he asks.
Obedience is the catalyst for the Spirit's work, making us more like Jesus.
Obedience is a hard thing to hear, and I've been pounded with it's message over the past few months. I'm studying James...you can't get away without hearing about obedience. I'm reading Psalms...walk in the ways of the Lord, teach me your truths, unite my heart to fear your name. I'm studying the life of David in a Bible study.
Everywhere I turn, I'm hearing, "Obedience brings blessing! Those who love God obey his commands!" I'm examining my life--where am I disobeying? What am I not doing that Christ has asked me to do? What do I need to be doing whole-heartedly? He wants all of me, and my heart continues to resist. In teeny tiny ways. Ok, Lord, I'll do it, but....
Did I encounter Jesus in the moments? When I prayed, did I have an intimate meeting with my Redeemer?
Do I merely check off the Bible reading without really thinking and meditating and spending time with the Messiah?
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